Quickbooks Pro Advisor

Since 2005

How It All Started

Since 2005

Quick Consulting’s origin is the classic story of small business success… see a need and fill that need.

Back in 2005, Sharon Harnage was working as a bookkeeper in Fitzgerald Georgia. Keeping multiple sets of books for several unrelated companies was a time-consuming task. She was using a DOS-based program at the time, and one fateful day the program completely crashed and cost her untold hours of work. She knew that she needed to find her employer a better solution – one that would allow her to be more efficient in her bookkeeping and prevent a disaster like she had just witnessed from ever happening again. It wasn’t long before she realized that Quicken’s QuickBooks was the answer she was looking for. There was just one slight hurdle… there was nobody in the area that knew anything about the software!

Anyone that knows Sharon knows she’s nothing if not tenacious, and she wasn’t going to let a little thing like being the first person in the area to use a state-of-the-art bookkeeping system get in the way of things. In typical Sharon style she began barraging Quicken with questions about how the software worked, what it’s capabilities were, how to do this, where to find that, and what happens when… the list went on and on. She spent so much time with Quicken that they ultimately recommended that she become a certified QuickBooks Pro Advisor – the area’s first!

It wasn’t long after this experience that Sharon decided to make the move to Adel, Georgia. She quit her job as bookkeeper in Fitzgerald and called a local CPA with her idea. That very day what would later become Quick Consulting got their very first client.

It did not take long for the client list to grow, and in 2005 Sharon found herself with more work than she could handle and promptly took on daughter Lanae to help handle the backlog of work. It would have stayed a family business, but the rapid growth continued and eventually Quick Consulting hired Melody, and the trio formed the core of the business that exists today.

Over the next several years Quick Consulting became a fixture in the Adel and Cook county area, with both owner and employees taking a lead role in serving the community in various ways, from serving on the Chamber of Commerce leadership to arranging local events that have added to the flavor of the local community.

Currently, Quick Consulting has five employees serving clients all over the southeast, but their commitment to keeping their small-town flavor and customer-focused approach hasn’t changed. They continue to be a fixture in Adel’s business community as well as continuing to participate in community events and advocating for the growth and development of our local “scene.”